Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Blog 22: Senior Project Reflection

1. I'm most proud of my activity. It actually turned out well because every person participated and followed instructions. It kept the fun and energy high and thus it created a more comfortable and confident environment for me to continue presenting. Also, everyone understood and applied my best answer/what I taught prior to their creations, and they seemed to really enjoy it.

2. a) AE/P; I feel that I did go above and beyond in this presentation by meeting P requirements as well as going out of my way to really decorate and set up a unique and cool presentation room.
b) AE/P; for the same reasons above, I did meet P requirements and went down a creative route in a lot of my components.

3. What worked most was doing this blog. It helped me keep track and showcase the progress of my project and guided me in keeping consistency with everything.

4. Honestly I think I did fine for the most part, but I'd really want to go back and start off my final presentation a bit better. I feel that my nervousness and jittery nerves kind of showed through in the beginning, as I felt myself talking much faster than I had practiced, and that did worry me too.

5. I definitely will use the experience from this project, and mostly from mentorship, to help me in college to hopefully start a career in the publishing and design field. I definitely appreciate the components of this project for diversifying the different ways I can interpret my topic and better improve my skills. Seeing how Mimi did her job and gave me valuable advice in being a better editor, I kind of got thrown the ropes of being in and experiencing an actual publishing career.

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