Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Cover Madness: We Can Afford Color?!

Hey guys! So my mentor, Mimi, came in to visit during elective today, and I was able to talk to her about the yearbook's progress. She was there to critique our cover design and suggested we keep up the improvements in our production, which we definitely needed advice on. The cover has totally evolved from what we originally had in mind, but for the better. Unfortunately, it's not completely finished, but it will be done hopefully by next week, just in time for our first deadline. Oh man. As an editor, the cover is a big deal. A. Big. Deal. So we often spend a lot of time on it, mocking it up and scrapping it, revising and then deleting. This year is going to be a challenge since it's so different than what we usually do, and it's going to be in full color. COLOR. WE CAN AFFORD IT. Anyways, it was a relief that Mimi was able to come in and give great advice on how to organize the book, as well as the staff's duties. What would we do without Mimi. So after her quick visit, the groups continued working on their stories and spreads. I was particularly focused on helping the designers, checking over some copy with the copy editor, and conversing with the photo team about getting a lot of good pictures to go on the cover.

Elijah and his amazing cover mock up. Be excited.

Hung up some more inspiration from magazines onto the walls for reference.

The Design Corner, E. Garcia and B. Trang. Half of the Fantastic Four.

Some other staff members working on their weekly spread. Cesar is our newest edition to the Design team, and we're starting him off with his very own spread.

Old work from yearbook camp (also my mentorship). The entire feel of the book has definitely changed since summer. A lot of work to do with these revisions... But we're on it. And no, this is not what will be in the actual book. I can't spoil it yet, sorry.

Working with the Copy and Design Editors, B. Posada and N.Q. Phyakul. The progress we've made today is outstanding.

So that was pretty much what happened today. Subliminal advertising time: we need photos for our cover, guys! If you can take some pictures with Instagram or your own camera, send them in to the iPoly Yearbook Gmail. It would be awesome if your photo made it onto the cover. That is all. :)

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post. I love all the pictures as well as your reflections.
